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Burrow Rx for Rodent Control throughout Rhode Island

At Pest Patrol, Inc., we’re proud of our reputation for providing advanced, effective pest and rodent control in Johnston, RI, and throughout Rhode Island. We use humane, environmentally conscious rodent control methods that are guaranteed to solve your pest problems without stress or mess.

We’re happy to announce our partnership with Burrow Rx, one of the most effective rodent control products available for the control and humane removal of moles, gophers, and other burrowing rodents. The Burrow Rx machine does not use toxic chemicals or poison allowing Pest Patrol to make an environmentally conscious treatment  around your property with young children and pets. Call us to learn more about Burrow Rx for rodent control or to schedule an appointment.

Burrow RX Logo

What Is Burrow Rx for Rodent Control?

The Burrow Rx machine is a carbon monoxide machine that can be used in residential yards, neighborhoods, farms, orchards, and commercial areas. It is environmentally conscious and uses a controlled, application of carbon monoxide to remove the threat of burrowing animals and outdoor rodents. This machine eliminates the risk of accidentally harming other animals or pets and is versatile method for burrowing rodent control.

How Does the Burrow Rx Machine Work?

The Burrow Rx machine uses a hose and pump system with a added natural oil based tracing smoke to carefully and precisely administer carbon monoxide gas into burrowing rodent dens and nesting areas. We first inspect your property and identify the rodents causing damage. We then locate and mark all of their dens and tunnels. We use a hose and add a tracing smoke oil to administer the carbon monoxide gas into each burrow and tunnel system, strategically applying the gas to eliminate the rodent problem in a matter of minutes without mess or danger. After application, we also offer rodent exclusion and damage control services to keep other rodents out of your home or business.

What Burrowing Rodents Does Burrow Rx Control?

The Burrow Rx machine can control all burrowing rodents without harming neighboring animals, pets, or the environment. The types of pests we help remove include:

  • Gophers
  • Rats
  • Ground squirrels
  • Moles
  • Voles
  • Chipmunks

The Benefits of Using Burrow Rx

Using carbon monoxide to control rodents is effective, and environmentally friendly. The benefits of using Burrow Rx for rodent control are:

  • Versatile – The Burrow Rx machine is incredibly versatile and can be used in a wide range of environments without danger to children, pets, other animals, or the environment. We can use the Burrow Rx outside of schools, restaurants, medical facilities, farms, orchards, homes, neighborhoods, parks, and other outdoor areas.
  • Remove Safe add Environmentally conciousUsing the Burrow Rx machine is safe, and you will not need to worry about harming the environment or other wildlife. No one will have to handle the rodents after treatment either, which ensures there are no health and safety risks related to parasites or disease.
  • Strategic – The Burrow Rx machine strategically and precisely targets burrowing rodent dens and does not affect surrounding areas. Because the system doesn’t use bait, you won’t have to worry that the rodents won’t accept the pest control method.
  • EPA-Backed – The EPA has designated the Burrow Rx machine as a pest control device.
  • Effective – The Burrow Rx machine is highly effective and has a very high success rate at controlling the burrowing rodent population.
burrbowrx device for pest solutions and control in Johnston, RI

Burrow Rx vs. Other Rodent Control Products

Our team will carefully evaluate your rodent or pest problem and determine the safest, fastest, and most effective method of pest control. We are committed to providing humane, eco-conscious pest control methods that reduce the risk of danger to your family, visitors and guests, surrounding wildlife, and the environment. We offer a wide range of pest control products and techniques and will offer our professional recommendations for the best method for your needs. The Burrow Rx machine carefully and precisely controls the application of carbon monoxide to target burrowing rodent dens without harming other animals, pets, or people. It works quickly and does not require the use of toxic chemicals or handling rodents.

Call Us at Pest Patrol Inc. for More Information

If you have a problem with burrowing rodents, our team at Pest Patrol, Inc. can help. Call us today or contact us online to learn more about our options for rodent control in Johnston, RI, and throughout Rhode Island. We will determine which rodent control method is right for you. We specialize in rodent control with Burrow Rx and other pest control and wildlife removal services. We can handle problems with deer, bats, indoor and outdoor rodents, beavers, birds, and insects.

Get in Touch with Our Team!